Body hair is one of the taboo subjects that many prefer not to talk about. Instead, they may try to obsessively remove it using different procedures to make their appearance less visible. In all of this, they sometimes don’t realize how much physical and mental effort goes into following these exacting standards.
We decided to take another perspective on these established standards. Together with you, we want to discuss why it is totally normal to forget about waxing for a short period. And it turns out that it can be beneficial for your body and make you feel better about yourself.
Learning to Accept My Body Hair
Others Will Feel How Attractive You Are
The sweat glands help us release our pheromones, while the hairs on our body help us spread our scent. Research shows that our natural body scent plays an important role in attracting the people around us.
In fact, the underarm hair helps to trap this musk, which makes the effect of the pheromones even stronger.
You Can Free Yourself From Pain
Hair removal procedures, such as waxing, or © Sorxhasmyname / reddit
My armpits were always super sore after shaving so I stopped. I still shave my lower legs because the hair is so dark and thick, but it’s barely noticeable on my thighs so I let it go. © iffle / reddit
When I was in high school, I regularly shaved my legs, armpits, and private parts because I was so embarrassed by my hair. First, I stopped doing this in winter because there was no one who wanted to see my hair for a while, and after the prickly phase, I loved how everything looked! It made me love my natural body even more. © Hcat23 / reddit
It Can Help You To Overcome Issues From The Past
Even now, female body hair is considered inappropriate in different cultures. From a very young age, some girls may be forced to meet the standards and get rid of them as quickly as possible.
This can result in anxiety and low self-esteem. Recognizing and accepting your body hair can be the first step to letting go of your fears and feeling stronger mentally.
I only did this because, as a teenager, I was bullied a lot about my appearance and had low self-esteem. If there was anything I could do to blend in, I did it. After I got a little older and stopped worrying, one day I decided to stop shaving and see what happened. Nothing happened. I never shaved again. © reusablethrowaway- / reddit
What do you think of body hair? Do you agree that it is possible to stop deleting it?