Quarantine has got Bollywood celebs trying their hands at cooking. Recently, while Anushka Sharma baked a cake for her dad on his birthday, Malaika Arora impressed her fans by making besan ke laddoo.
And the latest one to join the party is Bollywood heartthrob Kartik Aaryan. He recently donned the chef’s hat and tried baking a cake for his little sister on her birthday. But the cake did not rise and became a biscuit instead.
Kartik shared the pictures of his freshly baked cake-cum-cookie on Instagram. He also shared pictures of the birthday girl cutting the cake made by him. Have a look:
He’s certainly #brogoals, indeed. Also, keep practicing Kartik, we hope you’ll learn to bake a well-risen, spongy cake by the end of this lockdown! *Wink