Bollywood model turned actress Urvashi Rautela created history few days back by winning the Miss Diva 2015 contest. Its not the first time that she has won any big beauty pageant as Urvashi was crowned the winner of the Miss Universe India title in 2012, but was later replaced because she didn’t meet the age requirement.
Here is the complete list of sub-contest winners of Miss Diva 2015 :-
Miss Fascinating: Natasha Assadi
Miss Photogenic: Hemali Soni
Miss Sparkling Beauty: Ankita Thite and Shivani Shetty
Miss Talented: Urvashi Rautela and Naveli Deshmukh
Miss Tech Diva: Aileena Catherin Amon
Best Makeover: Aileena Catherin Amon
Miss Active: Nancy Gupta
Miss Rampwalk: Urvashi Rautela
Miss Body Beautiful: Simran Khandelwal and Urvashi Rautela
Miss Sudoku: Aileena Catherin Amon
Miss Congeniality: Pooja Bisht
Miss Style Icon: Simran Khandelwal
Miss Diva 2015 top six contestants finalists are :-
1. Aileena Catherin Amon
2. Aishwarya Dhavale
3. Hemali Soni
4. Natasha Assadi
5. Naveli Deshmukh
6. Urvashi Rautela
The grand finale of Miss Diva 2015 was being judged by actress Kangana Ranaut, designer duo Shantanu and Nikhil, actor Irrfan Khan, diector Vikash Bahl and actress Lara Dutta.
The 21 year old Urvashi Rautela won the crown in the glittering ceremony, defeating 15 other contestants from all across India.