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MP Health Officer Kept Working For Motherland Despite Getting The News Of His Mother’s Death

While most of us are staying and working from home to avoid the spread of coronavirus, there are some who have to hit the road even at such crucial times. Policemen, healthcare professionals, airport staff, sanitation workers, people working in media and banks, transport and delivery workers are among the many people who are working so that the country doesn’t collapse.

Ashraf Ali, in charge of sanitation for Bhopal Municipal Corporation, had a tough day at work on Wednesday morning when he received the news of his mother’s death. He is responsible for sanitizing homes, streets, and markets in the area, that is essential in containing the spread of the virus.

Ashraf Ali

Aware of how crucial his work is when the country is fighting against a virus outbreak, putting his emotions aside, he decided to finish his job of sanitising homes in Bhopal first. Even at such an emotional situation, he choose to serve his nation.

“Nothing’s more valuable than one’s mother. After your mother comes your motherland, which is in danger. I came to know about my mother’s death at 8 am, but also had my duty to my country.”

“I went in the afternoon for the burial but returned to work later,” Ashraf told NDTV.

“They are the true heroes in these tough times. Ashraf Ali is an inspiration for our staff – he sanitises between 5,000 and 7,000 houses in the city,” said Vijay Dutta, the city’s Municipal Commissioner.

And like Ashraf, Irfan Khan, another member of the Bhopal Municipal Corporation fighting COVID-19, decided to bury all his pain and sorrow and came to work with a broken collarbone and fractured right hand.

Irfan Khan

A data manager with the Integrated Disease Surveillance Program (IDSP) of the state’s health department, Irfan met with an accident while driving back to his office. The information that Irfan gathers from across the district helps the government develop strategies to fight viral or disease outbreaks.

“We all need to make sacrifices now to win the fight against COVID-19.”

“Doctors asked me to rest but I found the energy to complete my assigned task,” Irfan said.

These unsung heroes are leading our battle with COVID-19. That’s why the nation last week thanked the frontline workers for their dedication and hard work. They prove that nothing but such commitment and zeal can help us overcome this situation.

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