Doctors working at the frontline with coronavirus patients have to endure a lot of stress and anxiety with the pandemic accelerating at a dangerous rate. For them to de-stress, one doctor came up with a brilliant plan!
According to a report by CNN, Wynn, a one-year-old labrador who is currently being trained as a service dog by her owner Susan Ryan, an emergency physician, is paying doctors a daily visit at Rose Medical Center, Denver.
Wynn visits the doctors with a wagging tail and provides lots of cuddles to the medical workers who require breaks once in a while. A room is occupied, dimly lit and meditation music is played to create a restful environment for the doctors where they play with Wynn before they head out to their duties again.
“Seeing stuff and hearing stuff that you can’t unsee has an impact on you. That’s where the dogs come in. When you are in the presence of the dog and petting them you are taking a moment to ground yourself at that present time,” said Susan.
Susan shared a picture of herself sitting on the hospital floor, wearing a protective mask and petting Wynn. The picture was taken after Wynn returned from a walk outside.
“I saw Wynn coming back in from being walked outside. I just slumped down on the floor and said ‘Can I just have a minute with her?’,” revealed Susan.
“She has the ability to really calm people down,” Susan says about Wynn, “We’re working in a unique time and she helps us stay grounded.”
Susan also revealed how one day, one of the female staffers was crying due to a lot of stress. She took Wynn to the woman and the puppy-love changed her mood immediately, reports ABC News.
Susan assured that all doctors who play with Wynn wash their hands and get cleaned before doing so.
Wynn is currently being trained as an assistance dog for an NGO dealing with people with disabilities. The NGO is to provide assistance dogs like Wynn free of charge to help them.
Shouldn’t our doctors in India who are working day-in and day-out to treat coronavirus patients be allowed some time with therapy dogs too? This is a great idea for them to de-stress and boost their energy!