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The 39 Most Epic Facebook Comments Ever

What happens when you stick over one billion people on a social network where everything is mostly public? Some pretty hilarious and embarrassing stuff, that’s what. We sorted through the ruff to find the diamonds and so we present for your viewing pleasure, the 39 most epic Facebook comments ever.

1. Seriously, Who Does Play Farmville?


2. “Please Don’t Look At My Browser History”


3. That Would Explain Terminator 3


4. That Is A Good Reason For Divorce


5. Finding Love


6. Do Mark Have Pay to Promote His Own Posts?


7. Some people do things just to screw around.


8. Wouldn’t Bill Gates be proud?

9. WhatsApp


10. TV?


11. They wonder is… why?


12. Wearing Sunglasses Indoors?


13. This wasn’t a Facebook comment, but it had what it takes to make the cut.


14. Yeah




16. it’s just a remake.


17. Because the amount of oil you have is directly proportional to how soon America gets you freedom.


18. Like a hippo. It’s definitely cuter, and likely smarter.


19. This one requires a standing ovation.


20. Because at the end of the day, whatever your heart says, is the truth.


21. Yeah, bullshit. Who keeps grenades in the pocket?


22. He better hope Mother-in-law hasn’t liked Nat Geo India


23.  He knows his microchips!


24. Why just a girl?


25. Sir Katju actually has a point here


26. No way


27. Home Minister should know


28. Haha, we have a fidgety husband among us.


29. That was quite a stupid question to ask


30. The truth has never been spoken so clearly.


31. That Awkward Moment


32. Nothing Is Black And White Except…


33. Totally Not Dressed Like A Girl


34. Find The Gay Person


35. The Holler Caust


36. How Do The Gays Work?!


37. She’s Getting To The Bottom Of The Moon Landing


38. The Perfect Girl


39. That Zebra Has Balancing Skills

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